Purpose Podcast 030 — Duncan Berry (Fishpeople Seafood): Nourish, Respect & Sustain

Before today’s interview I talk about Blueprint of We, a collaborative framework and document that I’m looking forward to trying. The idea if agreeing together how we’ll handle conflict, before we’re in the middle of a conflict, is very compelling.
Duncan-Berry-Purpose-Podcast-QuoteDuncan Berry, CEO and Co-Founder of Fishpeople shared with us about his love for fish, Oregon coastal communities, and making an impact.  He described their purpose (paraphrased) as being a company that successfully balances our bottom line with heath and growth of the communities on which we depend and long-term, smart use of our natural capital.

His parting advice to entrepreneurs is to make sure that solving a problem for your customers is intimately linked with you accomplishing your purpose. De-link them and you’ll be less successful. Link them and you’ll have a powerful engine for change.

Fish People Shared Purpose Statement

  • NOURISH our customers with delicious & healthy food from the sea.
  • RESPECT our fellow supply chain members & pay them well.
  • SUSTAIN wild fish species & habitats.

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2 thoughts on “Purpose Podcast 030 — Duncan Berry (Fishpeople Seafood): Nourish, Respect & Sustain

  1. Ted,

    I loved this interview with Gordon. He has a vital and compelling message that I was excited to hear. As for you, you did a discerning interview. You listened to what he was saying and responded thoughtfully. I appreciate your work here. Plus I learned why and when you changed your sirname. Beautiful.


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